Tuesday, April 21, 2009


When we found out that I was pregnant with a little boy, many asked if we had given him a name yet. We would smile and said yes! However, we did not want to disclose his name until he came out!

Well, same time when I was pregnant, one of Adrian's cousin, KC was also expecting a little bundle of joy. But, both KC and Yueh Li decided not to find out the gender of the baby and preferred it to be a surprise instead. We received a text message one morning thanking us for the toy we bought their little boy and that, baby “Ethan” will definitely love playing with them. And guess what, little baby being Ethan, will make him Ethan Chong… as well!

We prayed about little boy's name and somehow, both hubby and I have were very attached to the name as we have been calling him by his name since we knew he was a boy, that was probably when he was approximately in his week 25. Therefore, we decided that we'll stick to his name, Ethan, Ethan Chong Xiang Wei.

By the way, his name Ethan is of Hebrew origin and his name means "firmness, strong, long-lived". Biblically, Ethan was a man of Israel noted for his wisdom. One reason why we chose the name Ethan was partly due to its meaning. Our only prayer for him is to be strong, despite having to face with tremendous challenges, pressures and temptations the world might endow on him.

While we're on the subject, we are proud God parents to Ethan Chong Ching Her. He is 4 months older than our little boy and that makes him the big bro! However, we will not be calling him biggie Ethan or Ethan senior or what not. KC and Yueh Li has decided that he will have a confirmation name, Zachary. Therefore, he is Ethan Zachary Chong Ching Her, in short, Ethan Zac!

That's Yueh Li and Ethan Zac

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