We finally got Ethan's high chair from Toys 'r' Us in preparation for his solids very soon! It was one of the few last items in the to-get list for Ethan because I didn't want to accept the fact that he will soon be taking solids. However, hubby thinks otherwise. He can't for Ethan to join us at the dinner table. Actually, he can't wait for Ethan to join him camping, fishing, shooting hoops and sharing his passion in daddy's line up of Jordans.
Therefore, daddy went all over town to look for a good looking high chair and guess what daddy found? A yellow chair!
Anyways, when hubby showed me the yellow Graco chair that was on the shelves, we immediately feel in love with it. It has a detachable table for the little boy, which was perfect for heavy duty cleaning.
All we need now is a set of baby's feeding set and we're ready to go. Not quite actually, he has just turned 5 months old.
Anyways, we are sticking to the conventional introduction of solids at 6 months old.
1 more month to go...
Ethan in his yellow chair