Wednesday, May 26, 2010

30 minutes of heaven

It’s 11 pm and hubs has just put Ethan to bed after his bedtime story. Lately, it was Noah’s Ark. It’s rather unusual for Ethan to fall asleep before us these days. Especially after London, our little boy is still somewhat stuck to being in the London timezone; 3am means dinner time. However, today he is a little under the weather. Not sure what triggered his cold, but hubs suspects it was his swimming outing on Sunday. Gee, we will need to find out soon. Anyways, we have him a dose of Hydroxyzine and he is snoring silly now (oh yes, he snores!).

We are both enjoying some alone time. He is on his Macbook while I thought it would be a brilliant idea to do some self pampering. I’m desperately in need of one nice gentle home facial. So I cleansed my face thoroughly, did a deep facial scrub and finally applied this divine smelling mask; Aesop's Primrose Facial Cleansing Mask. It makes my skin feels rejuvenated each time I applied it. Frankly, I've tried many cleansing masks (and I mean MANY) and nothing compares to this one. It's light clay texture is just perfect, combining the delicate scent of roses, this is my favourite so far.

I got this quite some time back but obviously I hadn’t much time for self pampering and what not; with Ethan yelling for attention, cleaning up poos, hanging up laundry and finally crashing into bed without proper cleansing. However, the uninterrupted 30 minutes was heaven. Ended the session with a nice steamy hot shower and I’m all ready for bed.

This time, I’m feeling good about doing my proper cleansing.
Good night!

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