Thursday, September 03, 2009

his first tooth

2nd September 2009, exactly 9 months old.
His first tooth appeared!

Ethan's been drooling big time, since he was about 5 months old. Because he was drooling so much and was looking rather uncomfortable, we thought he was teething. Some days, he would wake up at night screaming on top of his lungs until he knew that we had picked him out from his cot and cuddled him. Then, I thought, he was teething because I was told that one sign of infant teething is when bubs cries in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Sounded like him!

Nope, that didn't happen until for months later. Therefore, yes, his mummy has been saying the same old line for the past 4 months... Ethan is teething. He cried again last night for no apparent reason. However, when tomorrow morning comes, no sign of whatsoever under his gums =

But now, yes, finally. It came out!

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