Friday, July 17, 2009

ethan loves the guitar

Ethan absolutely loves music and he is really fascinated with daddy's guitar. When Ethan kicks a fuss, daddy will try to distract him by either strumming a lullaby or just plucking tunes. Lil E will sit down and watch daddy attentively, as if he was in a concert.

When lil E gets excited, he will move closer to daddy and try to pluck or strum the guitar strings. (Yes, he is getting pretty restless)

Speaking about that, grandpa came home with a flyer for Kindermusik one day. And we thought for a while, Ethan doesn't need to attend Kindermusik, really. He will attend music lessons with daddy! That will save us some money considering infants can only probably do listening and clapping at this stage. We will enrol him eventually; when his motor skills are more developed and he has better control of his hands coordination.


yafuizzz said...

Hahaha..why waste money when he can learn from the yiyi!? =D

I can so see ThanThan being a very musical person! Mayb he will even lead praise and worship next time! =D

chell said...

Poor daddy. He will need to buy Ethan a guitar first =P