Thursday, September 13, 2007

the 37"

Our new television arrived and guess who was the who stood by the entrance looking at it like it was 4 year old looking at mickey mouse come into his house. Oh gee..

We are in the midst of buying stuffs for our new place and yes, the tellie was the first in line. You can be sure that it definitely wasn't my idea buy a Regza before the couch, bed, kitchen appliances and OMG, we've totally forgotten about the dining set.

Man, I suppose it's such a gender affair when it comes to furnishing the house. Anyway, I was at peace with the fact that Adrian wanted a new tellie badly. I played a tinnie part in deciding the tellie. Of course it didn;t help that i have absolutely no knowledge (like, base general knowledge about televisions), therefore I insisted that the Samsung Plasma was a beauty. It took us about 2 hours, (more of, it took Adrian about more than 2 hours) to convince me that Plasma has shorter life span and is phasing off. Therefore, the LCD flat screen is a much better buy. At the end of the day, I gave up, no I gave in.. =), and I replied Adrian nonchalantly, "You can decide which tellie you like" because then I can decide on the other etcs, and yes, we got the Regza, which I have to say that it was NICE!

So, we graced it last night watching "In Her Shoes" by Jennifer Weiner. It was a good movie, not too harsh and we enjoyed it thoroughly. In fact, I was just about to finish her latest paperback, "the guy not taken". It's a good book though, witty and cheerful. A very good book for lazy readings, I have to admit.

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