Friday, March 26, 2010

Ethan Say....

Ethan, say:

Apple – Apple
Car – Car… car car
Cat – Cattttttttttttt
Caterpillar – CAT
Pear – pear
Cocoon – ca-oon
Butterfly – a-a-fy
Banana – ba na na
Yogurt – gurt gurt
Gorilla – eh eh ah
Red balloon – ed-alloon
Elephant – el-le-hant
Computer – cong-u-te
Thank you – ank u
Handphone – hung phone
Escalator – ah ah lay eh
Kakak wait – kak kak a ti
Yiyi – eh eh
Por por – por por
Ku por – kuh por
Daddy – ady
Mummy - ….

I should be really proud of him for being able to communicate a bunch of words at just slightly over a year old.. but, sigh, he just doesn't say mummy (unless he is really in distress, which I've probably only heard... about 3 times?!)

I'm depress.


AC said...

He can say "please" and "hug hug" too!

yiyi said...

Ethan say,...

please - pleh
hug - hug
chair - ceh
cheese - cehs
moon - m(silent)-oon
elmo -el-mo
hello -alo
bye -ai
mother-mother -adu adu
gupor -gu-por
pine-apple -PA-------ap-ple
clock -clock
light -ai-te
egg -egg
eight -at
two -twung
four -ha

where is the...... - THERE~~

new words learn recently:
charger -cha-ger
alarm -alarm

yafuizzz said...

on monday he ate through one...
but he was still hungry...

On tuesday he ate through tw.....


Lol! awwwww sooo cuteeee. :)

chell said...

Now he wasn't hungry anymore and he wasn't a tiny caterpillar anymore. He was a big, fat ...

E: Cat.. Cat

He built a small house called a ..

E: ca oon

stayed in there for more than two weeks, nibbled a whole in the cacoon, pushed his way out and he was a beautiful

E: a-a-fy

My little champion!