Monday, March 08, 2010


I need help.

We recently went to Hong Kong and left Ethan’s best friend there. His best friend, 'the monkey' was given to him by uncle Zuhun when I went over to Sydney last year. However, what makes this little primate special is that it’s a custom-made soft toy promoting the Orang Utans for the Sabah Tourism.

This monkey has some calming effect on Ethan especially during bedtime. He has to hug it to sleep every single night and the fact that we brought it over to Hong Kong was to make sure he had this comfort item with him. How idiotic of me not to check his cot before I send the luggage down for check out.

Now it’s pass bed time for Ethan and he is screaming on top of his lungs, probably looking for monkey. My only hope now is that uncle Zuhun has extras to spare…

1 comment:

AC said...

I miss my son...

and the monkey!!!