Saturday, May 23, 2009

counting down

I got these colourful baby feeding spoons, ready in time for Ethan's first solids which will be a week time. Have been standing, squatting, leaning, sitting along the aisles of these infant/toddles department reading each of these usage instructions.

However, what was eye catching and somewhat consistent in most packaging were the "BPA Free" baby products. I later found out that BPA stands for Bisphenol-A which is a hormone-disrupting chemical considered to be potentially harmful to human health and the environment. It has been known that scratched and worn polycarbonate feeding bottles will leach this chemical into liquids.

Urghs, didn't help much though when I bought Ethan's full set of Avent bottles "BPA un-free". However, after finding out his has definitely made me more aware of the conditions of his bottles and will have to painfully discard his bottles away once signs of deterioration.

Anyways, 1 more week to go... What should I start him with?
Carrots, avocado, Carrots, avocado, Carrots, avocado, Carrots, avocado, ... Avocado!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Jelly Bean Prayer

Red is for the blood He gave
Green is for the grass He made
Yellow is for the sun so bright
Orange is for the edge of night.

Black is for the sins that were made
White is for the grace He gave
Purple is for the hour of sorrow
Pink is for the new tomorrow.

Give a bag full of jelly beans
Colorful and sweet

Tell them it's a Prayer...
It's a promise...
It's an Easter Treat!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

the young lims

Ian Lim, our first Godson now 5 years old, has turned out to be a fine young man.

Pio Lim, born 1 week after our wedding is known to be Mr. Smiley for his generous cheerful smiles.

And we shall wait, one more Lim on the way... in 7 months time!